Why Choose Me?
I am a qualified forward focused coach, with a triple accredited diploma in Coaching and Positive Psychology, accredited by the ICF, AC and Areteway.
I am an associate member of the Association for Coaches and working towards my personal membership of the ICF & EMCC.
I am an Alcohol Free Performance Coach. This qualification enables me to help support those who are looking to explore their relationship with alcohol, be it going alcohol-free or just managing their consumption.
What is coaching?
Coaching is a partnership between me and you, where we work together on issues and beliefs that could be holding you back. It is a safe, brave space where you will be truly listened to and truly heard.
Imagine finding the answers within yourself to make the changes you want and to be able to focus on what’ s important to you so you can move forward through the obstacles that are stopping your progress.
We’ll work as a team to unlock what I believe you are already capable of. I will use a series of skilful questioning, tools and techniques that are a scientific rooted approach to enhance your wellbeing, improve your performance, and achieve your goals.
How coaching works
45 minute sessions start from £60.
If you want to explore coaching, I offer a free introductory session (Chemistry meeting), where we discuss your reasons for being curious and how and if we can proceed.
It is also an opportunity to see if we are a good match and can work together. 1-2-1 coaching sessions are confidential and non-judgemental and built around the discussions at our Chemistry meeting.